Na Poštovej ulici v Žiline sme postavili prvú administratívnu budovu v súlade s certifikátom LEED GOLD V4 (Leadership in Energy and Enviromental Design) v regióne. Navyše získala aj dve ocenenia v prestížnej súťaži Stavba Roka.
Prísť poobede domov, zavrieť sa a do rána nevychádzať? Žiadna sláva. Radšej vytvárame miesta, ktoré vás budú lákať von. Ktoré majú veľa kvalitnej zelene, pekné verejné priestory a premyslenú záhradnú architektúru. Aby ste vo svojej štvrti nielen bývali, ale aj žili.
Pekné miesta sú zbytočné, ak sa do nich neviete dostať. Záleží nám na dobrom napojení do centra mesta a funkčnosti mestskej infraštruktúry.
Cítime sa zodpovední za mestá, štvrte a komunity, v ktorých staviame. Naše projekty smerujeme tak, aby boli všetci vítaní a všetci sa cítili bezpečne.
Vytvárame dostatok parkovacích miest, aby ste mohli pohodlne odstaviť svoje auto, ale zároveň ostalo dosť bezpečného priestoru pre chodcov, bicykle či kolobežky.
Aj developer môže chrániť životné prostredie. Takto to robíme my.
Our designs and the outcomes of our ventures always meet the energy standards required by the European Community. To comply with these regulations, we endeavour for all of our projects to maintain adequate energy performance and efficiency. At Reinoo, we strongly consider strict energy-saving requirements while analysing the environmental impact of everyone one of our projects.
This solution is based on an environmental technology that captures rainwater. Water collected does not go into the sewer system or empty out from the site to load sewage pipes and drains. Since the water remains at the site, it neither dries up nor drains away. Instead, it fulfils its natural ecological purpose, for example by irrigating green areas. Water naturally soaks into the soil or can be subsequently used for different purposes such as for watering trees or in “rain gardens” and ponds.
The fundamental element in any natural environment is the greenery itself. That is why we prioritise responsible and systematic planting of trees and greenery, revitalising both parks and accompanying elements such as walkways and benches to create a pleasant environment. Combining these factors plays an essential role in creating a good quality living space. The results have been impressive, with the vegetation promoting a healthy ecosystem and a more welcoming environment, even in larger city centres. Watching greenery is also soothing, brings balance and provides relief for the eyes and soul.
Many innovative solutions that were only ideas in the past are now becoming a reality. The latest technologies used in our projects include elevators with energy recovery systems, tiles and surface materials that prevent overheating, smart air conditioning that purify the air and indoor “ponds” that humidify the air. We also think about infrastructure and transport, both for current needs and future demands, while encouraging the use of ecological transportation methods with on-site bicycle stations and providing charging stations for electric vehicles.
Rain garden systems have a similar intent and principle as the technology of drainage wells. A rain garden is a landscape site with a depressed area designed to collect rainwater from paved or coated structures such as roofs, sidewalks and parking areas. The captured water is naturally absorbed into the ground instead of being unnecessarily drained away. A properly designed rain garden slows down the drainage of water from the environment, letting it soak into the soil more easily. Rain gardens have a certain extent of self-regulation that helps to avoid water stagnation.
Reinoo responsibly considers the accessibility of transport and car parking since these features are crucial and need to be viewed from the long-term perspective. However, building an adequate number of parking spots is not enough for us. We have also noticed the rapid increase in the popularity of electric cars and alternative transport. As we, at Reinoo, strongly support these notions, we incorporate charging facilities and parking areas for electric cars in our projects. Since we love seeing the growing interest in micro-mobility alternatives, we have been incorporating bicycle and electric scooter stations into our sites.
In our advanced ecological initiatives, height is not a barrier. We see green roofs as an opportunity and potential for functional areas where we can implement more greenery and vegetation that does not require additional maintenance. The layer of vegetation favourably impacts the creation of microclimate around the building and thus makes up for any foliage suppressed by the construction activity. It effectively protects the unit from temperature fluctuations during the day, enhancing living comfort while reducing energy costs.